This Christmas you should plan a romantic holiday with your significant other. You don’t have to take a trip to some exotic place to enjoy this wonderful day. There are many ways to make this Christmas very romantic at home.

Decorating at Christmas is important because it brings in the holiday spirit. You can enjoy the time it took you to decorate and spend some time together enjoying the lights on the trees and the Christmas wreaths you used for decorations. Sit quietly and enjoy the spirit of the season through the hard work the two of you did for the holiday. There really is no point of putting up the decorations like the artificial Christmas trees unless you have time to sit together and enjoy the work.

For Christmas dinner you can decorate your table with the Christmas colors of red and green. Don’t forget the candles to really set the mood. It is best to dim the overhead dining room table light if you can and only use the lights from the candles. Be sure the candles provide aromatherapy benefits also. You also might benefit in knowing cinnamon has an aromatic affect of being an aphrodisiac for men.

Be sure you cook Christmas dinner together or you call for take-out or delivery that is from a classy restaurant. The meal should be absolutely fabulous. Be sure to also enjoy the meal with a fine bottle of wine and beer if he prefers. Indulge yourselves in the meal and enjoy your time together over the candlelight while the lighted palm trees shine through the window.

If you have a fireplace, use it. A fireplace is sometimes an instant romance fix. Romance is already in the air with the holiday spirit lurking over you also during Christmas. Start the fire and enjoy the crackling sounds of the wood burning and the flames dance across the fireplace. Watching the fire can put the two of you in a trance.

It is also important to decide on some music the two of you would like to listen to together. If you want to listen to your favorite Christmas album or maybe you bought him one for the holiday. Now is the perfect time to break it out so you can both listen to it. Don’t turn the music up too loud so you have to talk over the music. Be sure it is soft so you can enjoy it but still be able to enjoy each other also.

If you want to create the most romantic Christmas for you and your significant other you can. The best way to go about this endeavor is to start with a little music to set the mood and kick off the fire in the fireplace. You also want to enjoy an amazing meal together by candlelight at a nicely decorated table. After your meal and time together enjoying the decorations you can sit together by the fire with your glasses of wine and enjoy sharing your gifts that you both bought for each other.

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There are many ways you can set a romantic mood by the use of candles. Many different types of candles have a different look but they all have the ability to create a fabulous mood for any occasion. The best time of year for romance is during the Christmas holiday.

If you are trying to set a romantic mood before you give your special someone their gift during the holidays you can do so by the use of candles. The most important thing is to use candles for their scent if you have artificial Christmas trees. Some people love the smell of a fresh cut real tree so if you have a fake one be sure to burn some candles. The aroma in the air will immediately provide aromatherapy benefits. You will both be relaxed and happy.

It is important to remember if you are trying to be romantic when you are burning candles during the holiday that you choose a pleasant scent. Put some thought into the scent you choose or you can kill the romantic setting. If your partner doesn’t like the smell of what you choose or they might even be allergic this can be a bad thing. Even though you are covering up the lack of scent of artificial trees it is important to know the aromas your partner enjoys.

Candles are perfect for creating a mood when the lights are out and all you have is the glowing from the flames of the candles. The flicker of the flames moving around the ceiling and walls provide just enough light so you can see the two of you. Candles create instant romance, especially during Christmas. If you are sitting in the same room as the Christmas trees be sure to turn on the tree lights to get the full affect. You can sit in the dimly lit room and enjoy the lights and the aromas.

Any type of candle is a romantic candle. At Christmas you can find candles in jars, pillars, sticks, and more. The drip candles are also fantastic candles to burn and they look really neat when you keep the same jar for the candles. Some people love the look when they are burned in a wine bottle and the wax drips down the side. These look really neat as candle holders if you want to have a romantic dinner. Pillar candles are also favored for romance. Tea lights provide a little bit of light but they can do neat things when you put them in the right holders. Any type of candle sets a mood for romance.

There are many reasons you should light a room with candles but romance is the best. You can have instant romance when you choose an amazing aroma and use the candles and the tree as your only source of light. You can never have too many candles lit in a room. That is the great thing about candles. The more you have the better it looks in a room.

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Do you think that the scented candle trend is for ladies only? Don’t bet on it. Many of the best companies are making scented candles for men. These candles tend to be high-end, often with less cloying scents and more masculine aromas. Men’s colognes and natural scents such as musk or sandalwood are popular fragrances for candles aimed at men.

GQ and other men’s magazines even feature scented candles as a great way to decorate and create a great ambience. Some men love these products for their, ahem, more practical uses as well. After a poker game or a big game night, not every man wants his home reeking of friends’ cheap cologne and cigars. For these men, lighting a candle is the best way to clear the air.

It seems that men are responding – sales of men’s scented candles are doing quite well and more products aimed specifically at men are expected to show up on store shelves soon. It seems that young professional men are more likely to buy candles for themselves, although men of all ages and classes seem to be picking up on the trend. The next time you are looking for an ideal gift for that special guy, a candle might be the way to go.

One thing that market research has shown: guys don’t much appreciate candles with strong, overpowering scents. That’s why many are willing to shell out more cash for candles with better scents.

So what scented candles make a man smile? There are many products to choose from. The brand A Scent of Scandal has a great minimalist scent, the Stoner Candle, that any man is sure to love. High-quality Archipelago candles offer a number of tempting masculine fragrances. The Bergamot Tobacco Candle will make his room smell like a cowboy’s – strong and sexy. The Burl Wood Candle has a subtle, outdoorsy scent. Both the Moroccan Incense Candle and Havana Jar Candle have more intense and exotic but very masculine scents. For the man who loves coffee, Archipelago Home’s Expresso candle is sure to be an eye-opener. Bluewick’s Bermuda Soy Candles offer a pleasant and not-overpowering scent. For men with a darker side (or just a love of all things Gothic and edgy) D.L. & Co. has an Absinthe Candle and Elton Rocks 4 Potpourri has a Black Orchid scented candle that are perfect for those who want something a little more unusual. Jimmy Belasco Soy also has an Absinthe Candle. For a man who wants a warmer scent, Flare’s Fireside Candle and Herve Gambs’ Musk Amber Candle both have warming scents that make any room feel instantly cozier. Jonathan Adler’s Big Sur Forest Candle and Manuel Canovas’ Jardin de Lantana Candle are perfect for those who like traditional scents but want a more complex fragrance. These candles combine notes of fragrance for an unforgettable experience. For men who don’t like scented candles at all, Paddywax’s New Mown Hay Candle offers a completely natural scent. Slatkin’s Twigs Candle and True’s Wheat Candle offer an outdoorsy, natural scent as well. For men who love exotic scents that are still masculine, Seda France’s China Musk Candle, Slatkin’s Oriental Woods Candle Tocca’s Pushkar Candle, and Trapp’s Patchouli Sandalwood #7 Candle are all good options.

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Scented candles can be one of the most important ingredients for setting a romantic mood at home or in a special spot. In the past, candles were almost entire practical, since they were the main way that homes were lighted. Today, when most of us do not use candles to illuminate our homes, candles have taken on a special aura of magic and romance.

Candles have long been associated with romance. Maybe it is the warm glow that they emit, so similar to the glow we feel when we are around someone special. Maybe it is the way that candles are so complimentary to our looks – they soften our faces and make our eyes sparkle. Maybe it is the symbolism – flame has long been associated with passion. Whatever the reason, candles and romance are virtually synonymous.

And it seems that there are no better candles for romance than scented candles. Our sense of smell has always been associated with romance. The scent of roses, for example, has long been associated with romance and love. Some scents – including vanilla – are thought to have aphrodisiac properties. Since ancient Egyptian times, lovers have scented their bodies with alluring scents to set a romantic mood, and scented candles allow us in the same way to adorn a room not only with alluring scents, but also with a beautiful glow.

If you want to set the right romantic mood, you will want to consider first whether your significant other has allergies. If your significant other is allergic to scents and perfumes, you may wish to avoid scented candles altogether. If, however, allergies are not a problem, you will certainly want to select pleasantly-scented candles.

Candles come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, so you will want to spend some time thinking about the mood you would like to set. If you are planning a special dinner, you may want to match the color of the candles to your place setting. You will also want to consider whether a few large candles will create the effect you are after or whether many tiny candles will help you set the mood. Don’t overlook unusually shaped candles either – although many of us automatically think of pillar shaped candles, there are certainly many small, flat candles and some are shaped as bowls. While novelty candles shaped like shells probably don’t have the sophisticated look you crave to create a romantic mood, do keep size and shape in mind when selecting your candles.

Because candles are aflame, they draw the eye and therefore are an important part of your centerpiece or romantic evening. We all tend to notice light, so we may take more note of a pretty light source than other decorations. It pays to take extra care when selecting a beautiful candle for a special occasion.

When selecting your candles, be sure that you consider the occasion. If you want candles for a special dinner, tall tapered candles are best for the dining room. They will not take up much room, so that there is plenty of space for your meal. If you are eating by candle light, consider candles that are not scented, so that the scent near the food will not interfere with the taste of the food. If you do opt for scented candles, try a natural and not-overpowering scent. Espresso-scented candles or vanilla candles may be appropriate. If you want candles for the coffee table or bedroom, opt for scented tea lights, votive candles or pillar candles.

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